Year: 2019

La Guerra del Dictador Hugo Chavez (2006) por Rodulfo Gonzalez

August 1, 2019 By Ubuntu Café Off

La Guerra del Dictador Hugo Chavez contra los Medios de Comunicacion por Rodulfo Gonzalez La Guerra Asimétrica del Dictador Hugo Chávez: Contra Comunicadores Sociales y Medios en el 2006 Eladio Rodulfo Gonzalez, Periodista Venezolano, publica una Investigación contentiva de varios tomos, donde recopila las Agresiones,…

How to Buy and Sell Bitcoin | Como Comprar y Vender Bitcoins

July 31, 2019 By Ubuntu Café Off

Buy and Sell Bitcoins What Altcoins Cryptocurrencies Buy | Que Criptomonedas Comprar?: An altcoin is any digital cryptocurrency similar to Bitcoin. The term is said to stand for “alternative to Bitcoin” and is used describe any cryptocurrency that is not a Bitcoin. Altcoins are created by diverging from…

Why you must Play the Lottery

July 25, 2019 By Ubuntu Café Off

Why you must Play the Lottery by Juan Rodulfo Why you must Play the Lottery When talking about lottery we will find different approaches and depending on how we were raised we will have the conservative one: “Lottery is for losers” or the affirmative one:…