Treasures of the Kremlin: the Armory and the Diamond Fund
March 11, 2022
Tour to the Armory Chamber of the Kremlin by Gorila Travel
The #ArmoryChamber of the Moscow #Kremlin is a treasury museum, the most important museum in #Russia. Ancient state regalia are kept here: Monomakh’s hat, royal dress and royal thrones. You will see the double silver throne of Tsarevich Peter and Ivan Alekseevich, ceremonial weapons and a unique collection of Carl Faberge’s Easter eggs. Unique treasures are kept inside the #DiamondFund, the value of which is difficult to convert into ordinary money. It’s easier to say that they are priceless. You will see the famous imperial crowns, symbols of autocracy, heirlooms of the royal family. Here are some striking examples of gemstones and nuggets, as well as a map of our country laid out in loose diamonds. Go: gorilatravel.com
You will visit the unique Armory and the Diamond Fund. We guarantee you entrance to the museum and an unobstructed view of the main treasury of Russia. You do not need to worry that there will be no ticket left for you at the box office. We draw your attention to the fact that due to the large flow of tourists, there may be a queue at the entrance to the territory.
What places will you see
• Armory
• Red Square
• Alexandrovsky Garden
• Diamond Fund
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Armory Chamber, Kremlin, Russia, Monomakh’s hat, Moscu, Tsarevich Peter, Ivan Alekseevich, Diamond Fund, VIP Tickets, Gorila Travel, Cheap Air Fares, Hotel Tonight, Hotel Near,