Year: 2019

How to Donate to Help on Venezuela’s Humanitarian Crisis

June 28, 2019 By Ubuntu Café Off

Venezuela Crisis Venezuela Crisis In Venezuela today, no independent government institutions remain to act as a check on executive power. The Venezuelan government—under Maduro and previously under Chávez—has stacked the courts with judges who make no pretense of independence. The government has been repressing dissent…

La Hemeroteca de Rodulfo Gonzalez | La Venezuela de Verdad

May 25, 2019 By Ubuntu Café Off

La Hemeroteca Loca 7 por Rodulfo Gonzalez 600 Donde conseguir una Hemeroteca en Venezuela? Una hemeroteca es un edificio, sala, o página web donde guardan, ordenan, conservan y clasifican diarios, revistas y otras publicaciones periódicas de prensa escrita, archivados para su consulta. En la Venezuela…

Maduro CDTM

May 21, 2019 By Ubuntu Café Off

Maduro CDTM Franela de Dama Maduro CDTM (COÑO DE TU MADRE) es el clamor de millones de Venezolanos que desde adentro y fuera de Venezuela sufren la Crisis Humanitaria ocasionada por estos criminales enquistados en el Poder en ese Pais Suramericano. Nicolas Maduro Moros es…

What is the Best Option to Host your WordPress

May 21, 2019 By Ubuntu Café Off

What is the Best Option to Host your WordPress After years of experience managing WordPress websites, I found the best combination to have them secured hosted and 100% up online, this is: VULTR – SERVERPILOT What is Vultr? Vultr, founded in 2014, is on a…

Why Maslow the Book

May 10, 2019 By Ubuntu Café Off

Why Maslow by Juan Rodulfo Why Maslow? How to use his Theory to stay in Power Forever by Juan Rodulfo Did you know that: The 1996 World Summit on Food Security declared that “food should not be used as an instrument for political and economic…